it’s time for YOUR NEW WAY

  • You constantly feel stressed, overwhelmed or lacking energy

  • Aspects of your life or job don’t interest you anymore

  • You’re not confident with your current career path

  • You feel the need for change, but don’t know where to start

If any of this resonates with you, you’re not alone and you don’t have to keep feeling this way. Book a free consultation to learn how you can find your new way to a better work life in just 3 months.

how coaching can help


Removing doubt and fear, and gaining the confidence you need to achieve your goals


Identifying what may be holding you back and creating an action plan to get unstuck


Finding space and energy to engage in other parts of your life outside of work


Exploring new paths, roles or careers that better align with who you really are and what matters most to you

about me

I’m Nandhini Sundaram

As a Whole Person Certified coach, I work with people who need change in their life or career and don’t know where to start.  Whether they’re feeling stuck and unmotivated, experiencing burnout and overwhelm, or trying to navigate a change in their career, I help clients discover their purpose and priorities, and strategize on a path forward so they can progress towards a fulfilling and balanced life.

Learn more about me, my process and Whole Person Coaching®

Working with nandhini

  • Coaching with Nandhini

    1:1 Coaching

    In-depth sessions to unlock your strengths and work through any challenges that may be holding you back from achieving your goals

  • Group Coaching with Nandhini

    Group Sessions

    Seminars and workshops to address common challenges impacting your work, life and general happiness

see what others have experienced

“I didn’t realize how much I needed a coach until I started working with Nandhini. She helped me build confidence and clarity in my next move, something I was grappling with before we started working together. Her approach has been both empathetic and pragmatic and I would highly recommend her to everyone - people in a transition phase, feeling stagnant in their role and unclear as to where to go next, looking to build confidence and resilience, and more. I really could not recommend her enough.”

Elspeth I.

Each session left me feeling empowered and revitalized. Her insightful guidance and genuine dedication to my success were instrumental in propelling me forward towards my career goals and helping me deal with some of my inner demons. Thanks to Nandhini’s expertise and support, I now feel more confident and focused in my career than ever before.”

Fionnuala O.

“ I truly appreciate the time and the attention to detail that Nandhini took with me. I feel that she truly heard what I was saying and was able to help me put some incongruous thoughts into a more ordered and cohesive plan.”

Philip P.